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The Kingdom of Cavaliers: A Red Raven Inn Campaign Setting

Writer's picture: Pawn and PintPawn and Pint

There is an island in the Kara Sea that has long stood against the rising Tides of Darkness. A breakwater to stem the hordes of barbarians, raiders, pirates, brigands and even maritime Empires that would threaten the Congruity of Nations.

Here a consanguinity of many nations stands firm, built of stone and risen from ashes. Here the King’s Black Flag flies, a sigil in gold leaf defining a common people’s valor, courage, heroism and stalwart resolve. Knights with armor inscribed with Mithril Runes, clad in tabards of finest samite, ride these shores ever vigilant. When the Storm comes here is the Haven. When a Need arises here is found a Duty. When the Darkness falls here is found the Dawn.

Welcome to Xenia, the Kingdom of Cavaliers.

Here descendants of a dozen empires have formed their own common nation, an ally to all those who would stand against mutual enemies to protect their history and ancient homelands. Built on the ideas of chivalry and self sacrifice, these are a noble trading people, stoic in their eternal duty to be the perpetual first line of defense to civilization when chaos threatens to swallow it.

In this Campaign Setting we will delve into the islands of Xenia and Hospitium, the culture of the people, their history and their heritage. The names of locations and many of the ideas presented here have been extrapolated from the historical Crusader Kingdom of Malta and its Roman roots, with a sprinkling of medieval Europe.

This is a Free Campaign Setting for the world of the Red Raven Inn. Use this module as a springboard for your campaigns, as a backdrop for an adventure, or as a mine from which to harvest ideas to enhance your own world. Our hope is you find this setting as enjoyable to delve into as it was for us to design. Without further adieu, we present for your enjoyment the Kingdom of Xenia!


Xenia is a Militaristic Mercantile State. Thousands of years ago, when the Dark One rallied his armies to overthrow the known world and even the Pantheon of gods was left into turmoil, an alliance of kingdoms and empires known as The Congruity of Nations met on Xenia to head off the rising Tides of Darkness. Thousands of ships clashed off her shores, tens of thousands spilled their blood on the golden fields of grain. It was agreed that if Xenia were to fall, there would be no other point the allies could so effectively band together for a mutual defense. Decades of fighting ensued, heroes whose names will never be known in the modern age died valiantly, and in the end the Tides of Darkness subsided. Soon the defenses established on the island grew into fortresses, and fortresses into cities. A dozen nations contributed to building Xenia into a stalwart bastion, the first line of defense against any future incursions, a mutual meeting place for allies to trade, discuss tactics and rally their military might.

The need for a neutral governing body to act as arbiter between the allied nations grew over the years, culminating in the establishment of a Mercantile Caste led by a Doge. The Doge appoints from the civilian mercantile class an executive cabinet of twelve numbers known as the Collegio that overseas the function of government. As a balance to this, a Pregadi of 120 members form a Senate elected every ten years by the citizens, with no individual allowed more than one term. This Senate need not ratify laws posed by the Doge or Collegio, but may review and overturn them with a simple majority vote. The Senate also appoints a new Doge for life when the old dies, but is mandated to choose a merchant who is not already a member of, or former member of, the Senate. The Pregadi also appoints a Signoria from among their number who holds the coveted power of Veto over the Doge. Lastly, to ensure that the people of Xenia have fair representation the Arengo class was established, simply consisting of any Xenian citizen who owns land or property. Any member of the Arengo may make an appeal to their representative in the Pregadi who will then determine if it need be brought before the Senate or can be resolved independently.

Simultaneously the nobility of Xenia developed an intricate military caste system. With the constant threat of enemy invasion, the looming reality of another incursion from the Tides of Darkness, military service is considered a duty for every family in Xenia. Every family is required to have their eldest son or daughter serve in the military for five years, with optional service for additional children. Many families consider it a mark of honor to have all of their children serve, to dedicate their family so fully to the greater good of their homeland.

The Xenian military is broken down into Legions, which each consist of approximately a thousand soldiers. Generally these Legions are trained in a specific form of combat, such as pikemen or cavalry. Two or more Legions can be formed into what are known as Crusades which then act as garrisons or levy counterattacks on invaders. The head of the military, the Grand Master of the Legions, is appointed for life by a popular vote from Legion Commanders, and in times of war supplants the role of the Doge, with the exception that the Grand Master can never be vetoed. It is expected that the Grand Master return power to the Doge when the threat ends, and thus far this has always been the case in Xenian history.

Each Legion is led by a Knight appointed by the Grand Master, bearing the title of Master and Command of the Legion. These Commanders appoint a Seneschal, or second in command, of their choice, which is oftentimes a close blood relative. An effective third in command, the Turcopolier, oversees the routine function of the Legion and is appointed by the Pregadi Senate. Though ostensibly a representative of the Senate, the Turcopolier is oftentimes more loyal to the Legion Commander than to the Senate.

The people of Xenia are primarily farmers, craftsmen, trappers, woodsmen and merchants. There is a strong naval tradition among the population, giving rise to many sailors. Any citizen of Xenia may join the Legions, and serve for any number of two-year tours. Generally soldiers advance in rank based on how many tours they’ve served unless a wartime need should arise for more rapid appointment. Any Legionnaire can rise through the ranks based on their merit, not based on background or social rank, making it a preferred path for many to rise in Xenian society. Due to the ties with allied nations and empires Xenia also boast a Foreign Legion in Valetta, where two years of service grants dual-citizenship in Xenia and allows for foreign soldiers to move up the ranks of the Legions.


Modern empires have a vested interest in seeing Xenia thrive. These nations provide a great deal of trade to Xenia, which provides most of the island kingdom’s wealth. In exchange for lower tariffs and tax rates on goods an empire may sign a hundred year treaty to supply imperial forces to the island. Each treaty is different but usually mandates a certain number of soldiers, naval vessels, and the upkeep of one or more fortresses or towers in Xenia, as well as a mutual defense pact should war arise. Though a dozen other smaller nations trade without these concessions or commitments, there are four empires that have opted into this alliance.

Valondor, a sprawling Empire comprised of a hundred amalgamated peoples, is Xenia’s closest and strongest ally. Nearly fifteen percent of Xenians can claim Valondorian descent, with nearly the entire population of Birgu claiming heritage to the empire. The Royal Family Valondor shares close ties with Xenia, even having shared arranged marriages with the Doge in the past to strengthen relations. At one point a Prince of Valondor, Lord Balian, after serving in the Xenian Foreign Legion rose through the ranks and was appointed Grand Master of the Legions. He went as far as to command Xenia during an incursion as unquestioned ruler of the entire realm. Even though other empires murmured of what this might mean for Valondor’s strength and rumors spread of a possible annexation, when the incursion ended Lord Balian promptly restored full authority to the Doge. It is known throughout the realms that should any nation attack Valondor, it is tantamount to an act of war on Xenia, and vice versa.

Byrdania is a trading empire built on gold and silver. Governed by a council of influential Guilds, and with a military strongly supplemented by privately funded Guildsmen, Byrdania is one of, if not the, wealthiest nations in the world, at least proportionally to its size. The merchants of Byrdania take an immediate like minded attitude with those of Xenia, and in fact Byrdania is largely responsible for the establishment of the mercantile system Xenia uses today. The Byrdanian Navy has a permanent base of operation in everything but name on the smaller island of Hospitium, staging out of the fortress city of Mdina. Byrdania recognizes what the wealth and prosperity Xenia means, and will go to most any length to ensure the gold keeps flowing between the island kingdom and the home empire.

Glavvore is an empire fallen on hard times, fighting a somewhat desperate and seemingly never ending war with her neighbors. Desperate for allies and trade of any sort Glavvore has established a lasting treaty with Xenia. While it cannot offer the military support Valondor and Byrdania offer, Glavvore gives what it can to ensure the survival of its only real sustainable and viable trading partner. There is a clause in their treaty that Glavvore can recall her navy and military in times of invasion at home, with the caveat that trade concessions will need to be made when peace is restored. Though not a weak empire by any stretch of the imagination, there is only so much Glavvore can do with its current military situation.

Nerithia is the only other empire to hold a century-long treaty with Xenia, and even the most cursory examination reveals that the treaty only exists for reduced tariffs. Nerithia sends the bare minimum number of soldiers and ships it needs in order to maintain the reduced tax rate on goods that flow through Xenia. Most of Nerithia’s forces who are stationed in Xenia are done so as a form of punishment, forced to patrol the countryside far away from their homes and loved ones, or even the creature comforts of the cities. It is speculated that if war should come again to Xenia, Nerithia will offer only a token defense and may very well withdraw rather than lose forces here, weighing the cost of the soldiers against the cost of increased trade tariffs. Generally the people of Xenia frown upon Nerithia’s soldiers, living in what is considered a less than amicable coexistence.



Called the Jewel of the Kara Sea, and the throne of Xenia’s Doge, Valetta is the largest trade port and most polyethnic city in the Congruity of Nations. Districts of this city can be easily identified as small copies of their home kingdoms, including some corners carved out by onetime enemies or ancient and reclusive civilizations. It is often said that if there’s something you desire you will find it in Valetta, for the right coin. Every trade good imaginable, from every corner of the world, passes through her markets. Tariffs here can be steep, but allied nations receive generous breaks on taxes by supplying supplemental defense forces to the island nation.

While dominated by the Grand Citadel, an imposing structure highlighted in gleaming Mithril adornment, the city also boasts The College of Valetta, often referred to as The City of Spires. Naturally with the trade of materials and culture comes the trading of ideas and knowledge, thus the growth of the college that is the heart of Valetta. Gothicly styled towers dominate this massive campus, steeples bearing flags from a hundred nations, kingdoms and empires. The greatest scholars of the world meet in The City of Spires to exchange ideas and learn from one another. To hold a degree from Valetta is essentially to hold an appointment to any desired field in the known world. Even warring nations will studiously work alongside one another in Valetta, such is the value of the accumulated knowledge in the archives here. According to legend The Grand Library here has a copy of every tome ever penned, making it the single largest depository of knowledge in all the realms.

The city is built upon the ruins of a once prosperous ancient Dwarven city, whose name has been lost to time. Much of the city’s architecture unintentionally adopts Dwarven themes, having been adapted from the ruins here. Beneath the city a seemingly endless maze of tunnels sinks into the island, home to untold artifacts and lost treasures. Defensively the city boasts mammoth towers, imposing walls, a half dozen Legions of Infantrymen, and a fleet of nearly a hundred warships of all sizes. Though this fleet is seldom gathered in Valetta at once the harbor is always busy and crowded with trade ships and escort vessels from around the known world. Anyone of any nation is welcome in Valetta, so long as their intentions are just, and their gold is good.


The smallest city on Xenia, Senglea is a dry dock and shipyard before it is a trading hub. This isn’t to say that trade does not pass through this city, in fact the Empires of Glavvore and Nerithia have a substantial presence of traders here. While the trade from Senglea is a much needed commodity to keep Glavvore afloat in a sea of enemies, Nerithia views the kingdom and trade port more as an ally of convenience, supplying token defenders for the tax credits and doing the minimum effort it can to remain on semi-amicable terms. This has caused the local populations to view the allied kingdoms at large with a certain level of contempt, more as the enemy of an enemy than as an ally. Despite the efforts of other nations, the strictly utilitarian approach made by Glavvore and Nerithia has set the populace of Senglea in a bad way against outsiders.

Senglea is one of the only major ports that can repair ships in the Kara Sea; The next nearest drydocks of comparable skill and supply are at least two weeks away in fair weather with ideal winds. Though their services are far from cheap, and though they may be less than inviting, the people of Senglea absolutely know their craft and are more than willing to sell their craftsmanship to a ship in need. The lumber mills in the city churn out a steady stream of materials for shipwrights to use, with additional supplies sailed in along the riverfront.

The Legions here spend most of their efforts maintaining positive relations between the local populace and their imperial guests. While the Glavvore contingent is vigilant and ready to do their part, they are a smaller and distracted force. It is known that at any moment the need may arise for the Glavvore contingent to return to their war torn homeland, their presence here more a sign of good faith than a permanent supplement to the defenses. The Nerithian regiment here is absolutely a token force, only present to allow their nation to receive lower tariff rates. These soldiers will do only what is minimally required of them to maintain positive international relations, and there are real doubts as to their effectiveness should a military need arise.


The second largest city in Xenia, Birgu is almost entirely populated by descendants of Valondor. Though the populace views itself entirely as Xenian, their shared history and cultural identity with Valondor has led to a strong and beneficial relationship with the far off empire. Both Valondor and Xenia boast societies that can accurately be described as eclectic, deriving ideas, style and taste from a diverse range of sources. Trade that flows through the harbor here is over fifty percent Valondorian, and the garrison Legions here proudly march alongside a large contingent of Valondor’s Elite Guardsmen. There is even a contingent of mounted heavy infantry, The Royal Dragoons, led by Prince Anselm of Valondor here. It would be an understatement to say that Valondor is seen well in the eyes of Birgu, it is in fact arguably Xenia’s closest ally. A pact exists between the kingdoms that states, should any ship be banned from docking in Birgu, it is also banned from every port in Valondor.

Birgu itself is a fortress city with massive stone works that dominate the skyline. Though much of the architecture is stylized in a fashion reminiscent of old Valondor, the feel of the city is distinctly Xenian. The people here take pride in their craftsmanship, fashioning luxury goods that their imperial cousins would recognize from home but here have an exotic appeal and unique texture. Every three months, when the season turn, the city observes the practice of changing the military banners of the garrison. The ceremonies for this are a matter of great pride and result in week long Flag Day Festivals that only bolster trade within the region.


Much like Birgu, Mdina is closely tied to an imperial cousin, in this case the trade empire of Byrdania. Located on the southern island of Hospitium, approximately a third of the inhabitants of Mdina can claim Byrdanian blood in their veins. A relatively small trade port, being tied so directly to a major trading ally has made it, on occasion, the most profitable port on all of Xenia. Referred to as the Silver City, Mdina’s coffers overflow with coin. The wealthiest families in Xenia, and even those of allied nations, maintain impressive estates on the island. It has become a matter of some competition between the nobles here to see whose family can contribute the most impressive additions to the city. Markets, academies, temples and garrison towers bear prominent family names that would be recognized even in the farthest realms, and are seen as impressive feathers in the caps of these families.

Though a small city by any measure, the defenses built into Hospitium and around Mdina are exceedingly imposing. The three Legions here, known as the Triplets of Mdina, consist of pikemen and lancers that have adopted the mentality of using counterattacks as the most effective form of defense. Supported by the Byrdanian Merchant-Marine Navy, a permanent fleet of thirty Byrdanian Corsairs and a contingent of the elite Byrdanian Marine Corps, the imperial guildsmen fight alongside their Xenian brothers furiously. In some respects Hospitium is even harder to conquer than Xenia proper, and often times during incursions has become the rallying point for allied forces to stage their counter attacks.


These major installations have been built over centuries of work, both from freshly quarried rock and from ancient Dwarven Ruins that provided sturdy material for a foundation. Capable of supplying a full thousand man Legion as Garrison, or a Crusade of five Legions defensively, these imposing structures are designed to outlast sieges and repel any assault. With internal walls, over watching towers, defensive readouts and enough supplies to stand independently for a decade, the Fortresses of Xenia have only ever fallen after levying staggeringly disproportionate casualties against attackers, and have always been recovered before a war’s end.

Fort Delimara

Dominating nearly the entirety of the island of Delimara, this Fortress consists of dozens of readouts along the shoreline, signal towers and imposing trench works. The grand Citadel here is the first observatory to spot incoming fleets from the Great Expanse of the Kara Sea to the West, and shelters a fleet of nearly a dozen heavily armed warships. The Legion here is supplemented by the nation of Glavvore. Though the wars Glavvore fights elsewhere hamper the forces it can provide to aid in Xenia’s defense, their commitment here is integral to the survival of their nation. Sorties and patrols venture out from Delimara to scout for enemy vessels, and more than once have lured unsuspecting brigands into the jaws of this imposing defensive behemoth.

Fort Madalena

With Mosta Forest to the South and Lake Zejtun to the East, Fort Madalena is in an ideal defensive position. Readouts run by the Legion here stretch all the way to the coastline, with miles of fallback fortifications that would allow a fighting retreat to the Fortress Citadel. Overlooking a massive plain, the only viable means for an army to approach, Madalena has proven to be one of the more costly objectives to reduce on Xenia. With a supplemental force of Grenadiers from Glavvore, these alchemically augmented defenders have stained the earth red more than once with the crimson blood of those foolish enough to attempt sieging Madalena.

Fort Pembroke

Strategically overlooking the even more imposing Fortress City of Birgu, Pembroke effectively ensures Xenia dominates all traffic in and out of the Birkirkara River. The coastal batteries here have reduced many warships foolish enough to sail within range, and effectively stemmed ground forces from fighting their way over the western bridges into Birgu. The Legion here has often counterattacked attempts to siege Birgu, supporting an entirely mounted Regiment of Heavy Cavalry. Supplemental forces from the pious Empire of Valondor include an Archmage who has moved his academy to within the walls of Pembroke Citadel. Service and study by a Valondorian caster at Fort Pembroke is considered a mark of distinction, luring not just Wizards but also many Paladins to appointment within the Fortress walls.

Fort Ricasoli

An inland structure in the finest grain fields Xenia has to offer, Ricasoli is a major crossroad for land trade routes. In wartime, when naval movement is stemmed by blockades, the cavalry detachments at Ricasoli are charged with ensuring the stability of internal supply lines. The Legion here consists almost exclusively of noble born Cavaliers that travel the Kingdom regularly and have ties in every major city and trading post. A compliment of Valondorian Knights are stationed here, including a Regiment of the elite King’s Cuirassiers. This deployment is actually considered a reward for Valondor’s soldiers that need a reprieve following a wartime incursion, somewhere to practice their craft in relative peace while learning from a diverse nation populated with trade allies.

Fort Tigne

The Legions of Tigne are known by locals as The Vindicators. These soldiers are Heavy Infantrymen, sporting Halberds and Crossbows. When Valetta is threatened with Siege, a massive counterattack comes from Tigne. If invading forces do not redirect significant forces to reduce this fortress before making an attempt on Xenia’s capitol, they will certainly face a strong assault on their siege works as The Vindicators crash through their lines to link up with Valetta’s garrison. Even when an assault has been made on Tigne, the repurposed ancient Dwarven fort is of such solid construction that siege equipment has virtually no impact on the defenders. Tunnels within the complex, hollowed out by long forgotten Dwarven miners, provide unseen internal lines of movement and a labyrinth of resistance that attackers have described as nightmarish.

Fort Chambray

One of three imposing super forts built into the dormant volcano mountain of Luqa, Chambray towers over the trade lanes moving inland from Valetta. Line after line of entrenchment rises up the slopes of Luqa culminating in an imposing Citadel that can spot an approaching enemy from miles away. Housing two garrison units, the so called Twin Legions, the forces here wear identical armor to one another, going as far as to carry matching banners into combat. The Commander of Chambray has mastered the ruse of convincing his enemies that he holds but one Legion, a force that can move with seemingly impossible speed. In truth his Twin Legions operate under the same names, flags and colors, posing as each other so effectively sometimes allies even lose track. That is, until two identical legions appear on opposite ends of the battlefield and attack with devastating coordination.

Fort Saint Angelo

Built into the cliff side of Mount Luqa, imposing over the Bay of Saint Angelo, this fortress is a safeguard for allied fleets to rally in the sheltered bay below. Sporting a fully operational though minimal dry dock and naval yard, Saint Angelo is the closest thing to a harbor outside of an actual city that can be found in all the realms. A fleet of twenty warships calls Saint Angelo home, venturing forth to patrol the coast and rallying here at least monthly should the need of a coordinated assault arise. It is said that so long as the flag of Xenia flies over Fort Saint Angelo, the Kingdom is not lost. Of all the fortresses on Xenia, Saint Angelo is the only one to have never, at some point, fallen into enemy hands.

Fort Leonardo

Guarding the straight of the same name, Fort Leonardo supports a dozen smaller defensive towers below the Citadel that rain fire and brimstone on passing enemy ships. The Legion here includes some of the world’s finest ballistic students, with some allied nations even requiring their own siege engineers pass a tour of duty at Leonardo before going into the field. Using the slopes of Mount Luqa to their advantage the defenders here can easily pick off enemy siege works before they are even fully deployed. A stain on the history of the Fort comes from a betrayal by the Fort’s Marshal, surrendering the Fort to an invasion by the military juggernaut of Donastrom. Though ultimately repulsed, at heavy cost, it remains a painful mark in the history of Xenia. The Fort has since adopted the motto, “Never Again!”, and the Legionairres here proudly boast to be the most loyal in the realm.

Fort Saint Michael

An imposing structure built on a towering cliff face, Saint Michael guards the bay of the same name below, the gateway to the major trading port of Mdina. The archers here can fire down with terrifying precision on ships passing by, using murder holes to devastating effect. The Legion here are actually Xenian Marines, capable of silently slipping out of the Fort on small ships to assault enemy ships that enter the bay. Over the years the Legion here has successfully captured dozens of ships, many of which have been repurposed as trade or escort vessels used in Xenia’s navy. A contingent of Byrdanian Marines supplied by the Eastern Empire’s Guilds works in tandem with the Legion here, and have on occasion outright purchased a ship captured by the Saint Michael Legion to use in an immediate Byrdanian counter attack.

Defensive Towers

A series of small castles, each capable of defending a few hundred men and local civilians, the purpose of these Defensive Towers is not to outlast a prolonged siege. Rather, they exist to inconvenience any invader, a thorn that must either be removed or left to fester. If the enemy stops to reduce these fortifications, precious time is purchased for blood to further bolster the defense of the cities. If ignored, there is now a base for raiding supplies and harrying the back lines of enemy columns. Strategically placed throughout the fertile farmlands and along the coast at major landing points, these redoubts are Xenia’s first line of defense.

Saint Lucian Tower

Found on the small Western island of Saint Lucian, this walled castle rises from the Western cliffs, an imposing bastion that can only be assaulted from one side up a steep incline. The tallest tower here is actually a lighthouse and signal tower, visible on the horizon from both Fort Delimara and Senglea. The defenders here can quickly relay the approach of enemy ships to the mainland, and shower fiery projectiles on any patrol vessel that comes too close. Garrisoned primarily by native forces, with a handful of small yet fast sailing ships to cross the straight with messages, Saint Lucian is arguably the most strategic information relay to Xenia.

Ghallis Tower

Overlooking one of the smaller bays on Xenia, Ghallis Tower covers the cove from a hilltop arrayed with ballistae and catapults. Only ships that the castle’s Commander gives permission to may shelter here, and often at a steep price. Though the Ghallis Garrison is known for being merciless, allied ships or neutral parties that pay tribute for the upkeep of the readout are treated to simple but abundant supplies by the local populace, as well as given access to a band of artisans that make their living repairing storm ravaged ships that find their way to Ghallis Bay. The forces here are supplemented by the Navy of Byrdania, mercantile opportunists known for their loyalty as much as their guile.

Nadur Tower

Nestled inland along the neck of the Comino River and her tributaries, Nadur Tower supports a series of smaller watch towers that line the banks of the Comino. Dozens of small patrol boats check passing ships for contraband in what is arguably the least eventful and most routine corner of all Xenia. Often the garrison Commander here must find ways to keep his forces vigilant, staving off the ever present fatigue of boredom. Supplemented by soldiers of Valondor, the only break in routine comes with the riders and supply columns from Fort Ricasoli, yet even these have often become routine events of little news to report.

Cavalier Tower

Built high on a hilltop overlooking the fork of the Dingli and Zejtun rivers, Cavalier Tower is an opposing obstacle. Existing primarily to protect supply ships and transports desperately needed in the capitol of Valetta, or conversely to prevent enemy forces from benefiting from the same, Cavalier has sent many a vessel to the bottom of the twin rivers during incursions. Due to the sheer number of sunk and scuttled vessels here the fork here is known as The Gambit, as anyone unfamiliar with the waters is taking a real gamble on hulling their vessel while attempting to navigate safely past the castle here.

Xlendi Tower

Overlooking an ancient Dwarven drawbridge of the same name, Xlendi safeguards not only the land route between Valetta and Birgu, but also acts as another guard point for the Zejtun River. Cavalry patrols ride from this walled position, protecting caravans as far North as Fort Ricasoli. In times of dire need that Tower can easily burn the draw bridge, proving an imposing obstacle to fording inland. When the region has been secured there are enough supplies in Xlendi to rebuild the bridge and be fully operational in as little as three days of round the clock construction efforts.

Qawra Tower

Overlooking Lake Ghasri and the village of Mellieha, Qawra is one of the larger castles in Xenia. Much of the harvest from the surrounding areas and fishing from lake Ghasri passes through Qawra. Despite the vigilant duty of the local garrison, the supplemental forces here supplied by the Empire of Nerithia are less than reliable. The Nerithian soldiers view assignment here as a punishment, far from the bustle of the cities and the comforts of home, often performing less than the minimum assignments expected of them. Though somewhat reliable as soldiers in times of need, the garrison here has gained a reputations for caring very little to the day to day affairs of the village and surrounding area.

Ending Notes

Xenia is meant as an island nation that can be dropped into any campaign setting, and the allied empires she boasts can easily be substituted for more appropriate nations of your own world. We encourage you to adjust this module as you feel necessary to make it fit your world, and modify it as you feel you need to to make it workable. If you have any notes or contributions you’d like us to consider for Xenia, please leave them in the comments below, we’d love to hear your ideas!

Whether you choose to sail to Xenia’s silvered shores, or elsewhere in the infinite realms of Fantasy, we thank you for taking the time to explore our little corner of the world, and encourage you to remember the golden rule of all RPG Gaming:

Have Fun!

. . .

Originally published by Donald

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